Volunteer in Adult Literacy
Volunteer Tutor Information
Interested in Volunteering?
Volunteers are from our community and must be at least 18 years old. No previous teaching experience is required. Tutor qualifications are: the ability to speak, read, and write English; compassion and sensitivity to the needs of adult learners; and the willingness to be trained to assist the learner in meeting the learner’s goals. Volunteers are needed to:
Tutor: Tutors meet weekly with learners for 1½ hours on a date and time that fits with their schedules. Meetings occur at A. K. Smiley Library or at library-approved locations. Tutors are provided with teaching materials and techniques to assist with any challenges that may arise.
Literacy Class Volunteers: Volunteers are also needed for adult literacy computer classes, conversation classes, book clubs, public outreach and other adult literacy activities. If you are interested in supporting adult literacy but cannot make a weekly commitment, we welcome you as an adult literacy volunteer!
Current Tutors: To reserve space in the literacy lab or the tower room to meet with your learner, please fill out this form.
To learn more, join us at a Zoom Tutor Orientation. Please call the Redlands Adult Literacy Program office at 909.798.7565, ext. 4138 or email literacy@akspl.org to sign up for the Orientation or if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!
Program Support and Donations
The Redlands Adult Literacy Program is grateful for the funding it receives from the State California Library Literacy Services and city of Redlands for personnel costs. The need for adult literacy services is great in our community. An estimated one in five adults in the United States has difficulty reading job placement postings, medical directives, voting materials and other written materials crucial to functioning in this society. To meet this pressing need, donations and grants are used to fund adult literacy materials, technology, and classes.
Donations may be submitted via the PayPal button. Checks may be addressed to the Friends of A. K. Smiley Public Library, a tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, memo reference Adult Literacy, and mailed to: A. K. Smiley Public Library, 125 W. Vine St., Redlands, CA 92373.