Literacy – 9 Tutor Training Materials
Tutor Training Materials
Fresh Ideas
Books are available for checkout at the library. Adult literacy teams may request consumable copies of the books from the literacy desk.

Adult Literacy Program Training Manual
Your training manual is a great resource to refer to after you begin working with a learner.

Adult Literacy Program Writing Tool Kit
Created by A.K. Smiley Library adult literacy tutors at the conclusion of the Adult Literacy Program’s ‘Year of the Writer.’ This document summarizes the strategies, tutor tips, and resources that were shared amongst tutors in workshops and round table meetings.
If you would like a printed copy of the Tool Kit, please contact the Adult Literacy Program Coordinator.

Adult Literacy Anthologies, 2018 to present

Adult Literacy Roundtable Resources
LITSTART: Literacy Strategies for Adult Reading and ESL Tutors
Provides strategies necessary to tutor an adult in the skills of reading, writing, and speaking. Includes guidance in lesson planning, understanding learning styles, word study, techniques for checking comprehension, and writing strategies.
LITSTART: Literacy Strategies for Adult Reading Tutors
The goal of this book is to provide tutors with strategies to help teach reading and writing for learners at any level. Information is easy to find and the focus is on reading, writing, and spelling.
Teaching Adults: An ESL Resource Book
This workbook provides extra support for tutors who are working with adult learners whose first language is not English. It offers 57 ready-to-use activities to help you plan lessons that cover reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Teaching Adults: A GED Test Resource Book
This book is for tutors of learners at a high level who are preparing to take a high school equivalency exam. It offers activities on language arts, math reasoning, science, and social studies. Activities include creating and testing a hypothesis, making a supported argument, calculating 3D paper objects, and making time lines.
Teaching Adults: A Literacy Resource Book
This book offers advice on how to meet the diverse needs of the learners with best practices ideas. Includes 80 easy-to-use hands on activities. Activities include: assessments, reading fluency techniques, word recognition and vocabulary building, reading comprehension and writing process, grammar activities, and lesson planning.
Teach Anyone to Read
A guide book on understanding challenges faced by learners while offering practical methods to address them. This book offers techniques for teaching youth and adults to read.
Tutor 8: A Collaborative Learner-Centered Approach
This book provides step-by-step instructions that prepare tutors to teach basic reading and writing skills to adults. It can be used as a supplement to the Redlands Adult Literacy Program’s Tutor Training manual.
The Vocabulary Teacher’s Book of Lists
This book is written for tutors of intermediate to advanced learners who want to improve their vocabulary for reading and writing. It is strong on roots and word origins and includes a chapter on vocabulary teaching methods.
The Writing Teacher’s Book of Lists
This book provides beginning through advanced level lessons and writing activities to improve writing skills; it includes strategies to help you teach word groups, nonfiction and fiction writing, rules of capitalization and punctuation, and proofreading.