As we navigate through these challenging times, we are reminded that we are living through an historic moment that will be analyzed by generations to come. The resilient spirit of the Redlands community has been apparent through acts of selflessness and generosity exhibited by people throughout the pandemic.
A.K. Smiley Public Library is embarking on a new project to document life in Redlands during the outbreak. Led by the Library’s Division of Special Collections, “Resilient Redlands: COVID-19 and Our Town” invites the Redlands community to share their experiences through photographs, stories, poetry, works of art, or anything that can be shared electronically that documents life during COVID-19. Your submissions will become part of the Library’s COVID-19 remembrance collection.
Share your experiences through the new “Resilient Redlands” portal that allows you to upload photographs, documents, and answer a few questions about adjusting to life in this time of uncertainty. If email is your preference, please send these items to the Heritage Room at heritage@akspl.org. To learn more or participate in this community effort, click here. In-person donations can be accepted by appointment only.
If you have any questions, please contact the Heritage Room at heritage@akspl.org or (909)798-7632.