Dia de los Muertos Teen Art Contest
Calling all teen artists! In conjunction with the library’s Dia de los Muertos Celebration, we’re hosting a teen art contest! Prizes of $500, $250, and
$100 are on the line! Submissions are due to the Young Readers’ Room by 10/25/2023. Please visit www.akspl.org/teens for all the details and
contest application!
Who: Teens, Ages 13-19
What: Create an original piece of art related to the Dia de los Muertos theme
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 10/25/2023
Where: Submit entries to the Young Readers’ Room at A.K. Smiley Public Library, 125 W. Vine St., Redlands
All entries must be original.
Entries may be up to 11″ x 17″.
All entries must be submitted with an application.